Gopalan's Profile
M.A Journalism
Gopalan has worked with BBC Radio with a special interest in health. He has written news stories for Medindia
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Step Up Protection Against Termites – ‘Hear Them WiSPr!’
We can step up protection against the much-dreaded termites, which work silently and invisibly. How about hearing them when they chew?

Depression Treatment Makes For Better Productivity
Depression treatment makes for better productivity, employers please note.

Spread High-Fiber Foods Through The Day
Fiber foods are important for better health, but spread them through the day, at meals and snacks to avoid problems such as intestinal gas and loose stool.

Coffee Acts Against Diabetes By Inhibiting Protein Malformation
Coffee’s anti-diabetic properties could stem from its ability to inhibit a protein malformation behind Type 2 diabetes, Chinese researchers say.

Omega-3 For Nerve Regeneration
Omega-3 fatty acids could help protect nerves from injury and also help them regenerate, say researchers with the Queen Mary, University of London.