Gopalan's Profile

M.A Journalism

Gopalan has worked with BBC Radio with a special interest in health. He has written news stories for Medindia

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

 Fruit Fly Gene Explains Temperature Sensitivity Among Injured

Fruit Fly Gene Explains Temperature Sensitivity Among Injured

A fruit fly gene could explain temperature sensitivity among the injured or those with allodynia, for whom even modest changes in temperature could be painful.

General News
 Brain Wired For Multi-Tasking

Brain Wired For Multi-Tasking

Multifocal attention is natural to humans, says Julio Martinez-Trujillo, a cognitive neurophysiology specialist from McGill University.

Mental Health News
 DNA Twist To Schizophrenia, Literally

DNA Twist To Schizophrenia, Literally

Scientists at the Scripps Research Institute have found a DNA twist to schizophrenia – the DNA staying too tightly wound in certain brain cells could be causing the disease.

Mental Health News
 Neuroimaging Technology To Control Addiction

Neuroimaging Technology To Control Addiction

It could be possible to control addiction through brain-reading, say researchers with the Laboratory of Integrative Neuroimaging Technology, at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

Alcohol & Drug Abuse News
 Bacteria from Bad Water Might Do Good!

Bacteria from Bad Water Might Do Good!

Badwater Basin and Death Valley might sound rather ominous. But scientists have stumbled upon a type of bacteria in the basin that could lead to novel biotech and nanotech uses.

General News