Dr. Ravali Neerumalla's Profile


Dr. Ravali Neerumalla

Dr. Ravali graduated MBBS in March 2013 from MNR Medical College, India. She has worked in various Hospitals as a Duty Medical Officer. Dr. Ravali has experience in Pediatrics and Cardiology in the United States, and was also a research intern in the department of Cardiac Electrophysiology at KUMC, view more..

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Top 5 Simple Steps to Nurture Your Vital Organs

Top 5 Simple Steps to Nurture Your Vital Organs

The vital organs of a human body are heart, brain, lungs, liver and kidneys. It is important to take care of the vital organs for a healthy living.

Lifestyle Articles
Skin Cyst

Skin Cyst

Skin cyst is a sac like lesion situated beneath the skin which is filled with fluid or pus and enclosed by a cyst wall.

Disease & Condition
Abdomen Bloating and Fullness - Symptom Evaluation

Abdomen Bloating and Fullness - Symptom Evaluation

Abdominal swelling or bloating is the feeling of fullness and tightness in the abdomen (tummy). The bloating-related symptoms are burping, abdominal pain.

Opportunistic Infections

Opportunistic Infections

Opportunistic infections are microbial infections that can cause disease in persons with a weak immune system, but usually do not cause disease in healthy people.

Disease & Condition
Groin Pain - Symptom Evaluation

Groin Pain - Symptom Evaluation

Groin pain is the discomfort or pain in the fold between the lower abdomen and thighs. Groin pain is a common injury among athletes.
