Dr. Rachita Narsaria's Profile


Dr. Rachita Narsaria

Dr. Rachita is a consulting homoeopath with a passion for prose. She has contributed to numerous international websites and is a voracious reader, entrepreneur and music lover.

Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

PUVA Therapy

PUVA Therapy

PUVA or photochemotherapy is used to treat several skin disorders with the help of UV light and the drug psoralen.

Disease & Condition
Seafood Allergies

Seafood Allergies

Seafood allergy is the adverse response of the body’s immune system to the proteins present in fish and shelled fish such as crab, lobster, clams.

Diet Articles
Night Blindness

Night Blindness

Night blindness is a common result of vitamin A deficiency, which is preventable and reversible.

Disease & Condition
Heart Cancer

Heart Cancer

Malignant heart cancer is extremely rare. Benign tumors of the heart too are rare, with early detection and removal being the key to survival.



The downside of a fun night with alcohol, is a hangover, which is a result of dehydration that the alcohol produces. It can be overcome with these handy tips.

Disease & Condition