Dr. Gayatri Krishnan's Profile
MD Anaesthesiology
Dr. Gayatri has been in the medical field since 1989 and worked for a corporate hospital as a consultant anaesthesiologist. Her interests include writing medical articles.
Written / Edited / Medically Reviewed

Anaesthesia - History and Origins
Anesthesia has come a long way since the days of Chloroform and Ether. It is much safer today than it was a decades ago. Modern anesthesia techniques and delivery systems are now an integral part medicine.

Pregnancy and Complications
In-depth guide for expecting mothers to overcome health complications related to early or late pregnancy. Anemia, urinary infection, diabetes, premature labor to name a few.

Macrobiotic Diet
Macrobiotics is an Oriental theory that lays down guidelines for promoting well-being and longevity through systematic diet consisting mainly of whole grains and beans.

Ulcerative Colitis
Ulcerative colitis is characterized by bouts of diarrhea, bleeding per rectum and pain, which remits and relapses. Fulminant colitis is a possibility, which may require colectomy.

Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis can be a severely disabling autoimmune disease that affects the myelin or insulating layer of the nerve fibers and typically has remissions and relapses