Medical Aphorism

Aphorism is from a Greek word and means to define. It is generally a one-liner used tersely to convey a perspective in a way that once bitten by it you are seldom likely to forget it in a hurry.
Some examples of Aphorism are as follows:
* People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones at others - Anon
* "Death with dignity is better than life with humiliation." -Husayn ibn Ali
* Love your mistakes but don't marry one. - Leonid Sukhorukov,
book 'All About Everything'
* Marry in haste: Repent at leisure. -- Scottish proverb
* Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. -- Chinese Proverb.
* One man's meat is another man's poison.
Hippocrates was the first to use them to improve a way to remember symptoms to cure diseases. Later others started using them in their work. Usage of Aphorism comes from experience.
The first aphorism used by him runs as follows: --"Life is short, art is long, opportunity fugitive, experimenting dangerous, reasoning difficult: it is necessary not only to do oneself what is right, but also to be seconded by the patient, by those who attend him, by external circumstances."
Some examples of Aphorism are as follows:
* People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones at others - Anon
* "Death with dignity is better than life with humiliation." -Husayn ibn Ali
* Love your mistakes but don't marry one. - Leonid Sukhorukov,
book 'All About Everything'
* Marry in haste: Repent at leisure. -- Scottish proverb
* Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. -- Chinese Proverb.
* One man's meat is another man's poison.
Hippocrates was the first to use them to improve a way to remember symptoms to cure diseases. Later others started using them in their work. Usage of Aphorism comes from experience.
The first aphorism used by him runs as follows: --"Life is short, art is long, opportunity fugitive, experimenting dangerous, reasoning difficult: it is necessary not only to do oneself what is right, but also to be seconded by the patient, by those who attend him, by external circumstances."