

Medical Aphorism

Total No. of Aphorism - 41
Medical Aphorism
Category - (Nos - 41)
SNo Aphorism
41 In disorders of the bowels and vomiting, occurring spontaneously, if the matters purged be such as ought to be purged, they do good, and are well borne; but if not, the contrary. And so artificial evacuations, if they consist of such matters as should be evacuated, do good, and are well borne; but if not, the contrary. One, then, ought to look to the country, the season, the age, and the diseases in which they are proper or not.
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Tell me and I will forget,show me and I might remember,involve me and I will learn. - Confucius
I can imagine few settings that better reveal the nature of psychological stress than a nursing home. - R. M. Sapolsky
This man was addicted to moaning, confusion, edema and groaning, intestinal rushes, great tricolored blushes, And died from too much serotonin. This was said by Dr. William Bean, of the University of Iowa about the serotonin excess of carcinoid syndrome more than 50 years ago.
All health begins with a good nights sleep.- Irish Proverb
You know, my dentist thinks of railways to relax. Ah yes, trains-and-dental meditation.
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