

Medindia in the News...

The Potential Role of Telemedicine in India

Strategic  Briefings, February 1998, Volume I  Issue 2
With expanding telecommunications capabilities becoming available in many parts of India, industry analysts expect growth in computer, e-mail, and internet access to health information. Inadequate emergency transportation capabilities and bad road conditions can prevent patients from reaching doctors and hospitals in a timely manner, creating obvious advantages for telemedicine-mediated services. An additional benefit would be the automatic accumulation of medical statistics (which are not being gathered efficiency at the present time), as well as establishment of a database describing extremely rare diseases. In general, however, the advancement of telemedicine has concentrated on urban rather than rural regions in India. Members of the Medical Computer Society (Chennai) are identifying and reporting on ongoing telemedicine developments, especially those involving use of existing tools such as electronic mail and the Internet ([email protected]).