


  • Kapala means skull in Sanskrit. Bhati means to shine. This exercise cleanses the skull.
  • Sit on padmasana and keep the hands on knees.
  • Close your eyes.
  • Perform inhalation and exhalation rapidly to the point of perspiration.
  • In this exercise there is no retention of breath.
  • Inhalation plays a vital role. It should be done quickly and forcibly by contracting the abdominal muscles with a backward push.
  • Exhalation is mild and the abdominal muscles are released.
  • During this exercise the head and trunk should be erect.


It cleanses the respiratory system and the nasal passages. The spasm in the bronchial tubes is removed. Lungs are considerably developed. Carbon-di-oxide is eliminated in large scale. Blood is cleansed of its impurities. Tissues and cells absorb oxygen.

Disclaimer For Yoga Exercise:

The yoga exercises depicted above in the line diagrams are only a graphic representation for the understanding of the asanas or exercise. Please do not attempt to practise these without proper guidance from a trained Yoga instructor as these exercises can cause physical disability when done incorrectly.
