
Yoga And Obesity

Components of yogic practice:

  1. Asanas
  2. Pranayama
  3. Bandas or energy blocks
  4. Deep internal cleansing methods or kriyas
  5. Healing gestures or mudras
  6. Deep relaxation or yoga nidra
  7. Meditation or connecting the self with the divine

Yogis say that our human body has seven energy centres located in the spine. These energy centres or chakras are centres of spiritual energy; they receive the prana from the cosmic reservoir of energy and distribute it to the physical body. The chakras are located in the astral body (an energy field surrounding the gross body), which have corresponding plexuses, centres or points, in the physical or gross body. These chakras emanate energy and vibrate in a certain frequency.

The manipura chakra or the solar plexus is the source of will power and self-assertiveness. All the metabolic activities in the body are controlled by this chakra.


Energy blockages are cleansed by asanas and pranayama; these help in activating the energy centers.

Regular yogic practice energizes and helps the obese acquire the power to control their eating habits. The desired mental strength to break away from wrong dietary habits is gained only by yogic practice.

Since yoga works in the realm of body -mind -soul, its benefits are manifold. Yoga,

  • Improves digestion
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Reduces cholesterol
  • Helps in stress management
  • Helps in weight reduction
  • Accelerates healing

Above all, yoga breaks the pattern of negative thought and behavior and normalizes the functioning of body organs and systems. Importantly,yoga encourages the practitioner to achieve goals by enabling a focused mind and promotes everlasting peace.
