

Fear of Flying

E 4

Tackling the issue

Just like any other problem in life, fear of flying can also be solved through many means. Listed below are some ways.

Information: Sometimes all it takes to dispel the fear are just some facts of flying. You might want to know the dynamics of flying, principles involved and flight safety measures. You can pick up a book that covers these aspects or browse the net for free information.

Think Positively: Remove your pessimism and think optimistically about pleasant things-for instance, if you are taking the flight to meet a loved one, focus on that meeting and the happiness it would bring you both.

Practice Relaxation Techniques such as meditation, breathing exercises or Autogenics (self-induced relaxation).

Seek Help: If you have an overwhelming fear of flying, then maybe you should consult a psychologist.

You can also get in touch with support groups. ‘Wings of Light’ is one such support and information group, which deals with people who have experienced trauma during a flight or whose lives have been touched by flying accidents/incidents.

In the case of children, unless there is a trauma that is directly related to flying, they do not generally fear flying. Remember, a child’s fear of flying can also be an unconscious expression of a parents’ fear.

Flying can be a great experience-it is the closest most of us can get to feel like a bird in the sky. It is within your power to overcome the fear of flying-so, work on it and dare yourself to fly free!

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