
Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy - Glossary


Nystagmus: Involuntary, rapid and repetitive movements of the eyes. Movements can be side to side, vertical or circular.

Menière’s disease: A disease that affects the vestibular part of the inner ear causing deafness, tinnitus and vertigo.

Ototoxicity: A substance, usually a drug, causing harm to ear, specifically the inner ear or the auditory nerve.

Cochlea: A snail - shaped structure in the inner ear that contains the organ of hearing. It translates sound into electrical signals to be transmitted to the brain.

Vestibular labyrinth: The vestibular labyrinth is an enclosure in the inner ear that houses three semicircular canals, a place which receives the sense of balance and posture.

Utricle: A part of the vestibular system that detects the tilting motion of the head.