
Trichobezoars - Frequently Asked Questions

Q:  What are the different types of bezoars?

A: There are different ways that indigestible clumps can form within the stomach. This gives rise to different conditions. Phytobezoars occur when fibers, seeds, or skin of fruits and vegetables are consumed. Lactobezoars occur due to the accumulation of milk proteins in the stomach of infants. When different medications produce indigestible masses, they are called pharmacobezoars. In addition, bezoars are formed from toilet paper, metals, parasitic worms, and plastics.


Q: Which doctor should I consult for trichobezoars?

A: An individual with symptoms of nausea, abdominal pain, and other related symptoms should consult a family physician. Based on the symptoms, the family physician will recommend an abdominal CT scan to confirm the diagnosis.
