


Sleep talking is reported in half the population of young children, while sleep terrors are common among pre-adolescent boys. Nightmares mostly occur after a trauma

Sleep talking is very common and is reported in 50% of young children, with most of them outgrowing it by puberty, although in some it may persist into adulthood. About 5% of adults are reported to talk in their sleep. This sleep disorder appears to run in families.

Sleep Terrors (Night terrors) occurs most often in pre-adolescent boys, although it can occur in girls and also in some adults. It is fairly common in children 3 to 5 years old, and much less common in the older age group. Sleep terrors occur in about 3% of children and 1% of adults. It may run in families. It can occur in adults, especially with emotional tension and/or due to the use of alcohol.

Nightmare occur in about 20-30% of children, usually below 10 years of age. In adults the incidence of nightmares is 5-8%. The incidence of nightmares in post-traumatic stress disorder appears to vary between 8-68%. The incidence appears to be the same in girls & boys.
