
Sex Education And Existing Myths

Sex Education And Existing Myths

Some of the very common myths about sex education are the following:

Myth 1: Sex education programs increase sexual risk behaviors.

Truth: There is no evidence that shows that sex education will encourage the children to engage in risky sexual behavior. On the contrary, these programs will help them take more healthy and responsible decisions in their sex lives.

Myth 2: Comprehensive programs increase the frequency of sexual intercourse.

Truth: There is no proof of this. On the other hand, there’s plenty of evidence that such programs had often had often delayed the initiation of the participant to sexual intercourse. Often these programs had led to sexually active young adults to stick with one partner and reduce the frequency of changing one’s partners.

Myth 3: Comprehensive sexuality education is not effective, abstinence-only is.

Truth: Abstinence-only sex education programs are less effective than comprehensive sex education approaches.

Myth 4: Sex education is likely to increase the incidence of unwanted teenage pregnancies

Truth: Studies have shown that teenagers who do not have sex education are unlikely to use condoms if they have sexual intercourse, whereas with sex education the chances of using condoms and avoiding pregnancies are much higher.
