
Rett Syndrome - Treatment & Prognosis

Treatment & Prognosis

Rett syndrome has no cure and all the current treatments aim at slowing skill deterioration.

Treatments are also aimed at improving social contact and communication skills in patients.

A team approach is recommended for treating these patients and this includes health care contributions from professionals such as doctors, physical therapists, speech and occupational therapists and family members.

The following methods are employed to treat or manage Rett syndrome. They include:

a) Medications, such as carbamazepine, are used to treat seizures. Other medications or supplements such as bromocriptine, dextromethorphan, folate and betaine are also used in the management of Rett syndrome.

b) L-carnitine is used to improve alertness, energy, language skills, muscle mass, decrease constipation and daytime sleepiness and improve the overall quality of life

c) L-dopa is a type of medication that is used to treat motor rigidity during the later stages of the disease

d) Surgery may be carried out to correct scoliosis or heart defects


e) Stem cell therapy, alone or in combination with gene therapy, is another hopeful treatment.

Other management methods include:

  • Physical exercises
  • Weight bearing exercises for scoliosis
  • Supplement feedings
  • Nasogastric tube feeds

The progress of the child is very slow until teenage after which the symptoms improve. Children can be taught to walk or feed on their own. Barring complications due to illnesses, it is possible for a child with Rett syndrome to live up to adulthood. Death often occurs from seizure, malnutrition, aspiration pneumonia, or accidents.
