
Polymerase Chain Reaction - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can PCR products become contaminated?

A: PCR products from previous cycles can contaminate products of PCR. Therefore care should be taken to avoid such contaminations.


Q: What is known as a two-step PCR?

A: When the melting temperatures of the primers are very high, then the annealing step and the chain elongation step can be combined.

Q: How was PCR discovered?

A: Kary Mullis was working on analyzing mutations when he found that what he had discovered instead was a way to amplify DNA, during a motorcycle trip along the West Coast of the U.S.

Q: Why would a doctor recommend PCR?

A: Doctors would recommend PCR to identify pathogens that cannot be easily cultivated in a culture dish. Moreover, PCR can also be used to identify the presence of cancer mutations that may be present.

Q: Is it possible to get a false positive result with PCR?

A: Contamination of the sample can lead to false positive results.
