
Signs and Symptoms of Osteochondritis Dissecans

Signs and Symptoms

Individuals with osteochondritis dissecans usually present with a restriction in the range of movement. Symptoms usually reported include joint pain, swelling, catching, locking, popping noises and giving way.

Pain: This is the most common symptom and may be triggered by physical activities such as walking up stairs, playing sports etc.

Popping or locking: When a loose fragment (called joint mice) gets jammed between bones during movement, the joint may get struck in a position or pop.

Giving away: An affected individual may feel that his joint is giving away or weakening

Restricted range of movement: One may be unable to straighten his leg or arm completely.


Swelling and tenderness: Affected joint may turn swollen and tender.

Physical examination of the affected joint may reveal an swelling due to excess fluid (effusion), tenderness, and crepitus (a crackling sound or grating feeling). The patient may walk with the involved leg externally rotated.

It is also important to rule out muscular causes of joint pain.
