
Organophosphorus Poisoning Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms and Signs

Organophosphorus compounds or organophosphates are absorbed into the body via the digestive tract, skin and mucus membranes; they are also absorbed through the respiratory tract if inhaled.

The patient may have the typical smell of organophosphorus compounds, which is a pungent garlic-like odor. He may have symptoms and signs as given below:

  • The patient may have slow heart rate and low blood pressure causing dizziness and fainting; rarely he may have a high blood pressure and fast heart rate. The heart rhythm may be abnormal and could cause death in severe cases
  • May experience difficulty in breathing due to increased secretions and spasm of the bronchi
  • There may have an increase in salivary secretion, pain in abdomen and loose stools. He may also have incontinence of urine and stool
  • Vision may be blurred due to small pupil size and increased tear formation. Rarely the pupils may be larger than normal is size
  • Sweating excessively
  • Muscles maybe affected leading to twitches, cramps, muscle weakness and eventually muscle paralysis. Death could occur if the diaphragm and other respiratory muscles are affected.
  • Brain may be affected leading to anxiety, confusion, memory loss, irritability, seizures or coma
  • Death could occur due the above symptoms such as abnormal heart rhythm, difficulty breathing, paralysis of respiratory muscles or coma

Paralysis and nerve damage may occur either immediately following exposure or it may be delayed by 2 to 3 days or even 2 to 3 weeks following poisoning. Hence it is important to monitor the patient even after initial recovery.

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