
Myocarditis - Glossary


Hypoxemia: Decreased oxygenation of the blood

Arrhythmia: Altered rhythm of the heart

Troponins: Proteins present in the heart muscle; they spill over into the blood in case of death of the heart muscle (i.e.) infarction, or if there is an inflammation

ESR: Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate, a marker of inflammation

CRP: C Reactive Protein, another marker of inflammation

Diuretics: Medications that increase urine production

Vasodilators: Medications that cause relaxation of the blood vessels

Ventricular assist device: A mechanical pump that supports the contraction of the heart

Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO): A device that can oxygenate the body when there is a failure of the heart and lungs to do so.

Immunosuppressants: Medications that act against our immune system and prevent it from attacking our own body.