
Kawasaki Disease - FAQs

Q: What is Kawasaki's disease?

A: Kawasaki disease is an inflammatory disease of medium and large arteries that leads to fibrosis and stenosis of the arteries. There is no clear known cause, but it is a type of inflammatory response occurring mainly in children.


Q: Which doctor should I see if Kawasaki's disease is suspected for diagnosis?

A: A Pediatrician or a doctor for Infectious disease should be consulted.

Q: Is it known by any other names?

A: It is also called as Kawasaki's Syndrome or mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome.

Q: What causes Kawasaki disease?

A: It is not clear what causes Kawasaki disease. Scientists believe a virus or bacteria may be responsible.

Q:  Is it contagious?

A: Kawasaki disease does not appear to be contagious, nor does it appear to be hereditary.

Q: Can it be prevented?

A: Currently, there are no known ways of prevention, primarily as the `cause is yet to be known.

Q: Will my child recover fully after the illness?

A: Yes, more than 80% of the children recover fully. Very few them might suffer from heart conditions, which might note be evident immediately.

Q: Is it common in India?

A: Incidence of this disease in India is extremely low as there are very meager case reports. Complications due to this disease in Indian patients are still rare.
