
Ingrown Hair - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which doctor should I consult for ingrown hairs?

A: For the consultation and proper treatment of ingrown hair, the expert advice of a dermatologist is required


Q: How does ingrown hair appear?

A: One key element to look for is how long it has been there. If it continues to look like a red bump with no real change then chances are it’s an ingrown hair. They also tend to be found in groups around recently shaved areas.

Q: How long do ingrown hairs stay?

A: If non-infected, they usually last for weeks and resolve without scarring, if they get infected, maybe weeks to months and until they are painful and not cosmetically affecting.

Q: Are males and females equally affected by this condition?

A: No, not equally affected. Women and men have ingrown hairs in different areas.. Until a woman suffers from hirsutism, the affected area will be similar for both.

Q: Will ingrown hairs lead to serious medical conditions of the skin?

A: If the general condition of the patient is immunocompromised, or if he or she suffers from any co-morbid condition like Diabetes mellitus, then it may lead to recurrence of the problems. Hypertrichosis (increased production of body hair) may also lead to increased frequency of the disease.
