
How can we Diagnose Renal Cell Carcinoma?

How can we Diagnose Renal Cell Carcinoma?

A series of tests are carried out to confirm the diagnosis of renal cell carcinoma. In 30% of patients, metastasis has already set in at the time of diagnosis; so special tests must be conducted to confirm it.

Renal Cell Carcinoma diagnosis usually begins with a physical examination to find out if the person has developed a varicocele in the scrotum (if male) or abdominal swelling. As 30% of patients appear with metastasis or spread of the cancer to other organs when the disease is detected, the physical examination for RCC must include a thorough check for metastasis in soft tissues and organs such as lungs, liver, skin and the central nervous system.

Initial Diagnostic tests include:

  • Blood chemistry
  • Complete blood count
  • Urine tests
  • Ultrasound of the abdomen and kidney
  • Abdominal CT scan
  • Liver function tests – to rule out spread to the liver
  • Intravenous pyelogram – where the movement of a dye through the kidneys is studied
  • Renal arteriography – where the blood supply to the kidneys is studied.

If the cancer has metastasized, the following tests may be done to find out the extent to which the cancer has spread-

  • Abdominal CT scan /MRI
  • Chest X-ray /CT scan
  • Bone scan
  • PET scan
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