
Hormone Replacement Therapy - Symptoms of Menopause

Symptoms of Menopause

Menopause is a natural phase in a woman’s life which marks the end of her menstruation cycle. This means her periods stop, and her reproductive phase also comes to an end.

The onset of menopause can vary between women, occurring anywhere from 40-55 years. Menopause can also occur much earlier in women who have undergone surgery for the removal of the ovaries and uterus.

When women approach this all too natural phase in their lives, there is a fall in the level of the female hormone estrogen in their bodies. This could give rise to a number of unpleasant symptoms such as:-

  • Night sweats
  • Hot flashes or hot flushes (sensation of flushing and sweating)
  • Dryness in the vagina
  • Sleeplessness
  • Mood swings

The severity of symptoms can vary with women. In some women menopause can have a huge impact on their quality of life and they need to seek immediate help whereas in others the symptoms are not too bothersome.

The crux in handling menopause rests in your personal perception of the symptoms severity.  Discussion with your general practitioner helps you to understand the benefits and harm of treatment for this natural condition. Removal of uterus and ovaries can lead to a surgical menopause. In younger women this operation can lead to symptoms being much more severe.

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