
Ergonomic Advice for Patients after Hip Replacement Surgery

Ergonomic Advice for Patients after Hip Replacement Surgery

Some major changes at home are required post surgery to allow easy movement of the patient with the support of walker or crutches. The following changes may reduce the risk of patient fall -

  • Hall or room passage way should be clear of any tripping hazards.
  • Surfaces should be non-slippery.
  • Stair railing should be in place and the patient should use them while climbing the stairs.
  • Patient's chair should be raised high and with armrests.
  • The passage ways should be well lit.
  • Frequently used household items should be placed on raised level, both in the kitchen, in refrigerator, in rooms and in bathroom to enable the patient easy access without bending the hip.
  • Install a shower knob at the level of the patient, such that patient can take a shower while sitting on a raised chair.
  • Raise the toilet seat and install a support for the hand, so that the patient can sit or get up from the seat easily.

Family and friends attending the patient should -

  • Keep a thermometer at home to regularly check the patient's temperature.
  • Keep assessing the patient's wound and notify the doctor if the wound appears red or begins to drain.
  • Rest the patient's leg at a slightly elevated level and apply ice pack for 10 minutes if there is localized swelling near the wound.
  • Contact the doctor as soon as possible, if the patient reports of pain in lower leg calf muscle or chest pain or shortness of breath.