
Frequently Asked Questions about Endometriosis

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Q: Which doctor should I consult for symptoms of endometriosis?

A: You must consult a gynecologist for further investigation and work-up.


Q: Is endometriosis cancerous in nature?

A: No. It is a benign condition.

Q: Will surgery cure endometriosis?

A: Pain and discomfort will improve following surgery. Chances of recurrence are there if the disease is severe. Hormone treatment after surgery may help prolong disease free period.

Q: I have recently been diagnosed with endometriosis. Can I still get pregnant?

A: Do not delay pregnancy. The disease may become severe over time. Consult a gynecologist for further advice on improving chances of pregnancy.

Q: I still have pain in spite of taking medicines. Do I need surgery?

A: Surgery is generally done as a last measure only if severe pain persists in spite of hormone treatment. The extent and type of surgery depends on whether you wish to conceive or not. Consult your gynecologist for further advice.

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