
Dystonia - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which Doctor Should I consult for Dystonia?

A: If you do believe that you may have dystonia first consult your general physician. Your doctor will be able to make a diagnosis and this will be easier if your doctor is familiar with you and your family. A diagnosis of dystonia cannot be made at home, as there are other neurological conditions that could cause dystonia or dystonia may simply be a symptom. Whichever the case, your general physician will be able to decide on the appropriate course of action and will recommend the appropriate medical care and specialists.


Q: Are there any alternative treatments that work for dystonia?

A: While there are alternative treatments for dystonia, none of these should be used as an alternative to professional medical care. Most alternative treatments have not been found to be beneficial and further research is required, but some patients find that alternative approaches like biofeedback, meditation, acupuncture, yoga and pilates do provide relief. Pilates and yoga work in much the same way as physical therapy and meditation help tremendously because it lowers stress and helps with conscious relaxation. Acupuncture may also help to relax the muscles, but there is inadequate data to support any of these claims.
