
Doping Test


Doping tests are done to prevent unethical ways to win games since early 90s. Since then, many famous athletes were caught using steroids to win a sport and set a mark in history.

‘Doping test’ is a biochemical test to detect the presence of performance-enhancing drugs in the blood.

Doping test is usually done in the athletic events such as the Olympic Games to find out any traces of performance-enhancing drugs in blood or urine. Several testing labs to carry the doping test have been set up to check the urine and blood samples of the athletes.

“Doping to enhance performance is not only unfair, it is also unsafe,” writes the scientific executive director of Amgen, a biotech company. He adds: “We must protest against those who would demean the sports they participate in, and educate the athletes, coaches and fans about the dangers of doping.” He concludes that we must also encourage policy-makers to support initiatives that make doping illegal and create ramifications serious enough to discourage it.

The World Anti-Doping Association (WADA) is an agency, which monitors the activities and movements regarding the doping tests around the world. They take care of the quality of the labs and the reagents used for the doping test. They make sure that no athlete can cheat and get through to athletic events without clearing the doping test.

Doping in the athletic events is an illicit act and strict actions are taken against those players who are found to be taking steroids to enhance their performance. The players are eliminated from the games and are banned from participating in games for a couple of years as a punishment. It brings a bad reputation for the players and the countries they are representing.

This year, WADA and the London Olympics have collaborated with the GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Ltd. for the doping tests to keep the Olympics 2012 free of doping.

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