
Symptoms of Common Cold

Symptoms of Common Cold


Symptoms of the common cold usually begin two to three days after infection. They include:

  • Sore throat.
  • Running nose or Leaky nose.
  • Sneezing and cough.
  • Nasal congestion.
  • Headache and body pain.
  • Low grade fever (more likely in infants and young children).
  • Green or yellow sputum or nasal secretions suggest a secondary bacterial infections of the middle ear or sinusitis requiring treatment with antibiotics. Cold symptoms can last from two to 14 days, but two-thirds of people recover in a week. If symptoms occur often or last much longer than two weeks, with high fever, significantly swollen glands, severe facial pain in the sinuses, and a cough that produces mucus, it indicates a complication or more serious illness requiring a doctor's attention.
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