
Birth Control Pills / Contraceptive Pills - Menstrual Cycle

Menstrual Cycle

Menstruation, also called as periods or monthly bleeding, occurs in women in the reproductive age group (15-44 years). When the body is preparing for pregnancy there is a surge of hormones (chemical substances) in the body resulting in the thickening of the uterus lining.

When pregnancy fails, the thickened uterus (filled with blood and tissue) is lost and becomes thin again. There is also a reduction in the hormone levels. The cycle repeats again every month in anticipation of pregnancy throughout the reproductive phase of a woman.

A woman has on an average 450 periods during her lifetime and she spends 50% of her life in tackling this monthly routine - the menstrual cycle. Some women are pleased when they reach menopause as they ‘feel somewhat liberated from this monthly nuisance.’

Birth Control Pillsreduce the chance offormation of functional ovarian cysts in the future. In addition, they reduce therisk of ovarian cancer.

Birth control pillsreduce the severity of menstrual cramps.

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