
Adult to Child Living Donor Liver Transplantation - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which doctor should I consult for Liver Transplantation?

A: Consult a Hepatologist or organ transplant specialist for liver transplantation.


Q: What is living donation?

A: Living donation is when a living person donates an organ or part of an organ to another person for transplantation. The living donation can be a living related donor like a family member or living unrelated donation, that is, someone who is emotionally related to the recipient, such as a good friend, spouse or an in-law. Nondirected donation is when the living donation is from a stranger.

Q: What organs can come from living donors?

A: The most commonly donated organ by a living donor is the kidney. Parts of the lung, liver and pancreas are also being transplanted from living donors.

Q: Are transplants from living donors always successful?

A: In most cases, transplantation is successful, but at times, problems may occur. Sometimes, the kidney is susceptible to rejection, surgical complications or the original disease that caused the recipients kidney to fail. Discuss the success rates and the national success rates of the transplant to the transplant center staff.

Q: What are the advantages to have a living donor?

A: Decreased wait time for a donor, scheduled surgery, making it more convenient for patients and their families and a better quality of life in a much shorter time period are the advantages of a living donor.
