
Melatonin-Availability and Dosage

Melatonin - Availability and Dosage

Melatonin is available as dietary supplements in the USA and several other countries. Over-the-counter sales of melatonin have however been banned in most European countries to ensure more responsible marketing of the product. Its forms vary from tablets and sublingual lozenges to even cream. The melatonin sold these days is mostly synthetic; though sometimes it may contain additional ingredients like herbs, calcium,phosphorous, and regular sleeping pills.

In view of its potential and severe side-effects, itmust be taken only under the supervision of a qualified physician.

As there is currently no ‘recommended dose’ for supplementary melatonin, it is best to start on the lowest possible dose (ieone which mimics the body’s melatonin production) and then raise it gradually,if required. Small doses of melatonin (0.1 to 0.5 mg) have been shown to improve sleep in some individuals.

Lower doses work best and may even avert side-effects;higher doses raise chances of anxiety and irritability. In children below 15years especially, high doses may result in a seizure.
