
Symptoms of Endometrial Cancer

Symptoms of Endometrial Cancer

Never ignore vaginal bleeding or spotting in a post-menopausal women.

It is imperative to diagnose endometrial cancer in the early stages as the success rate for cure is promising in such cases.

The oft -occurring symptom for endometrial cancer is vaginal bleeding which may initially begin as a blood- stained watery flow. This could later get thicker with increased blood concentration. Broadly the symptoms can be categorized as:

  • Lengthy menstruation cycle, marked by bleeding between periods
  • Vaginal bleeding and spotting which increases during the years approaching menopause
  • Bleeding after menopause
  • White, watery and pinkish vaginal discharge
  • Pain in the pelvic region during later stages of the disease
  • Discomfort, pain and bleeding (in some cases ) during or after during sexual intercourse
  • Loss of weight