
Dialysis - Glossary


Dialysis: Process of removing toxic substances from the blood when kidney function is impaired.

Nephron: Functional unit of kidney.

Renal: Pertaining to kidney.

Necrosis: Destruction and death of body tissue.

Nausea: Feeling of sickness.

Blood Pressure: Force exerted by blood against blood vessel wall.

Hypertension: Above normal blood pressure.

Hypotension: Below normal blood pressure.

Dehydration: Loss of water from the body.

Overhydration: Excess of water in the body.

Proteinuria: Abnormal quantities of protein in the urine.

Albuminuria: Presence of protein [albumin] in the urine.

Hypoalbuminaemia: Inadequate amount of protein in the blood.

Hyperlipidaemia: Excessive amount of fat in the blood.

Hyperkalaemia: Excessive amount of potassium in the blood.

Hypokalaemia: Inadequate amount of potassium in the blood.

Hypermagnesimia: Excessive amount of magnesium in the blood.

Erythropoietin or EPO: A hormone or chemical substance secreted in the kidneys that stimulates the bones to make red blood cells Red blood cells contain hemoglobin that carries oxygen to cells of the body.
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