
Do's & Don'ts for Bedwetting

Do's & Don'ts for Bedwetting


  • Stay calm, be prepared and try not to worry.
  • Encourage your child for staying dry; give awards for dry nights.
  • Encourage the child to drink plenty; it is important that they recognize the feeling of full bladder.
  • Avoid fizzy drinks, tea, coffee, chocolate; these can irritate bladder and can cause more urine production.
Bedwetting: Do's, dont's
  • Ensure that the child goes to toilet before bed.
  • Make sure that easy access to toilet is available at night.
  • Allow the child to help with changing the bed; this helps them to understand the problem and overcome it.
  • Make sure that the child has a bath each morning. This removes the smell of urine and avoids the child being teased at school.


  • Do not get cross with your child; it is not their fault.
  • Do not use waking the child as a long term strategy to overcome bedwetting; instead get help from a doctor.
  • Don’t give up. 99% of these children get better by adulthood.