
At Risk People

At Risk People

People above the age of 60, people who are strict vegetarians or are suffering from some stomach ailments are at risk for b12 B12 deficiency.

The absorption of vitamin B12 is a complex process. Vitamin B12 from both natural and synthetic sources must be combined with a substance in the stomach called the intrinsic factor to be absorbed. It is released from its bound state in the presence of acid in the stomach thereby leading to its absorption. So if the acid secretion is suppressed due to ageing, medical conditions or drugs, even non vegetarians can develop its deficiency.

B12 malabsorption could occur in following states:

  • Elderly ( secretion of acid in the stomach decreases with age )
  • Stomach related problems ( celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis or those undergoing weight loss surgery, gut inflammation )
  • Pernicious anemia (autoimmune condition) (people lack the intrinsic factor and are B12 deficient)
  • Medications ( antacids ), potassium supplements
  • Alcohol
  • Women with a history of infertility or miscarriage
  • A complete vegan diet (Since vitamin B12 is found in animal products – meat, egg, fish, dairy foods, strict vegetarians are at a greater risk of deficiency than lacto-ovo vegetarians and non-vegetarians )
  • Food-cobalamin malabsorption syndrome - This is a condition where there is gradual, age-related loss of function in the lining of the digestive tract that governs the release of intrinsic factor. Instead of actively transporting B12 into the blood, the body relies on passive diffusion through the intestinal wall, resulting in sub-optimal B12 absorption and lower B12 levels.
  • People suffering for H Pylori and Giardia infections

Therefore, B12 deficiency can easily occur even in people eating large amounts of B12-containing animal products.
