
Ways to Tackle the Epidemic

Ways to Tackle the Epidemic

Dr. Pandit Anand of KEM hospital, Pune suggests various strategies to target specific age groups:

Infants and young children:

  • Prevent excess weight gain in pregnancy and control diabetes in pregnancy.
  • Promote exclusive breast feeding for six to eight months.
  • Monitor growth with weight for height and BMI.
  • Instruct mothers to accept child’s appetite and not force feed.

Children and Adolescents:

  • Promote active lifestyles including at least one hour of vigorous activity per day.
  • Limit daily television viewing
  • Impart health education skills to make healthy food choices.
  • Increase fruit and vegetable intake.
  • Celebrations to be encouraged in the form of outdoor play and picnics rather than fast food parties.
  • Educate about the evils of alcohol and tobacco to adolescents.

At Schools:

  • Training teachers to inculcate values of good lifestyle habits in children.
  • Introduction of ideal and healthy school meals.
  • Introduction of nutrition and physical education in school curriculum as a compulsory and / or a ‘scoring subject’ with marks to be added to total. This kind of a strategy will make parents and children take due notice and dedicate required amount of time in their academic curriculum.
  • Access to the playgrounds after school and on holidays.
  • Monitor BMIs, identify the crossing percentiles, and counsel the pre- obese children.