
Garlic for Blood Pressure - Side Effects

Side Effects of Garlic

Garlic has a similar action to aspirin as it can thin the blood and decreases the ability of blood to clot. Its side effects are not life threatening.

Prolonged and large usage is also believed to heat up the body and irritate the stomach, causing a burning sensation and acidity and also nausea.

During pregnancy and lactation, garlic causes heartburn and may badly affect the taste of mother’s milk.

This sulfur containing bulb could also be a skin irritant.

Garlic may also have a hypoglycemic effect (as it reduces the blood sugar) and can increase the effects of insulin in diabetics.


Garlic is known to interact with other drugs and supplements such as Warfarin (Coumadin), Aspirin, Trental (Pentoxifylline), vitamin E, certain anticancer drugs, HIV medications and Gingko. The excessive use of garlic should be discontinued before and after any type of surgical procedure.

It is not compliable to many patients and some who practice meditation and yoga avoid its consumption. It is also considered by some as an anti-social food because off its pungent smell. Many vegetarians like those form Jain community avoid garlic. It is not considered to be a ‘satvic food item.’ However, all said and done, garlic seems a safe bet in the management of hypertension.
