
Keep Yourself Well Hydrated

Keep Yourself Well Hydrated

Drink at least two to three liters of water. This helps in flushing out toxins from the body. It even prevents water retention that would otherwise have you look bloated up. This helps women during the onset of PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome), when water retention is at its highest.

Water helps metabolizing food quickly and hence burn calories. If you drink cold water it burns more calories as the body needs to warm it up and in the process burns calories. Talking about cold water also remember that a cold shower helps in burning more calories.

Water the elixir of life has no calories and it is supposed to be a dieter’s nectar! If you gulp down water before a meal you are likely to eat less. Aim to down three liters of water a day.

Keep Yourself well Hydrated

Squeeze a little lime with a dash of mint if you wish to give the drink a little twist for your taste.

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