
National Insurance – Health insurance Policy for Senior Citizens - Critical Illness Cover

Critical Illness Cover

11.2 Section II:-

Upon detection of any critical illness, which may give rise to a claim under this section, notice with full particulars shall be sent to the Company within 15 days from the date of diagnosis of the disease.

Claim documents as mentioned hereunder must be submitted to the company after 30 days from the date of diagnosis of the disease.

1) Doctor’s certificate confirming diagnosis of the critical illness along with date of diagnosis.

2) Pathological/other diagnostic test reports confirming the diagnosis of the critical illness.

3) Any other documents required by the company.

Section II:-  Critical Illness Cover (Optional):

Under this section the Company shall pay to the Insured Person, the compensation as set against such Insured Person’s name in the schedule, should an Insured Person be diagnosed, during the period of insurance set in the schedule, as suffering from a critical illness stated hereunder, symptoms (and/or the treatment) of which were not present in such Insured Person at any time prior to inception of this Policy. 

  1. Stroke
  2. Cancer
  3. Renal failure
  4. Major Organ Transplant
  5. Multiple sclerosis
  6. Coronary artery surgery
  7. Paralysis and Blindness at additional premium

Waiting Period:-

No claim will be paid, if a critical illness as specified in the policy incepts or manifests during the first 90 days of the inception of the policy.

Survival Period:-

The insured person needs to survive for 30 successive days after the diagnosis of the critical illness in order to make his claim.


  1. Each of the above illnesses mentioned in the Policy, must be confirmed by a registered medical practitioner appointed by the company and must be supported by clinical, radiological, histological and laboratory evidence acceptable to the company and to be reconfirmed by a Registered Medical Practitioner appointed by the company.
  2. The Company shall compensate the Insured on behalf of the insured Person only once in respect of any particular Critical Illness.
  3. The Cover under the Policy will cease upon payment of the compensation on the happening of a Critical Illness and no further payment will be made for any consequent disease or any dependent disease.
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