Japanese Encephalitis

What You Should Know about Japanese Encephalitis - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which doctor should I consult if someone I know has encephalitis?

A: You should see a general physician. Further consultation with a neurologist may be indicated in some cases.


Q: Is there a vaccine against Japanese encephalitis?

A: Yes. Japanese encephalitis can be prevented by administration of Japanese encephalitis virus vaccine.

Q: Can I breast-feed my baby after receiving the vaccine?

A: It is not known if the vaccine is secreted in milk. However, because of the potential risks to the baby due to certain drugs in the mother’s milk, it is advisable to discuss the issue with your doctor if you are receiving the vaccine.

Q: How can I prevent Japanese encephalitis?

A: Prevention of Japanese encephalitis depends mainly on public health action to control mosquitoes and on individual action to avoid mosquito bites.

  • Minimize outdoor activities during dawn and dusk in JE endemic areas
  • Use mosquito repellent creams on exposed skin.
  • Use screens/bed nets to prevent mosquito bites.
  • Travelers to rural areas can be vaccinated depending on consultation with a doctor.
  • Improved and safe methods of animal rearing.
