
Gallbladder Cancer - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who treats gallbladder cancer?

A: You should consult a gastroenterologist / hepatologist or oncologist for gallbladder cancer.


Q: What is the survival rate for gallbladder cancer?

A: Stage 0 cancer has a 5-year survival rate of 80% which decreases to about 4% in a stage 4 cancer.

Q: Is it possible to prevent the cancer?

A: A healthy lifestyle, especially the maintenance of healthy body weight is a must. Obesity is a known risk factor for gallbladder cancer.

Q: Is it advisable to get a second opinion if I have been diagnosed with gallbladder cancer?

A: It might be advisable if the treatment decision is bothering you, you have too many treatment options and are confused, or you have been diagnosed with spread of the cancer to other parts.
