
Menstrual Cramps | Dysmenorrhea - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which doctor should I consult for symptoms of painful periods?

A: You need to consult a gynecologist.


Q: Is having painful periods normal?

A: Many women have some degree of discomfort and pain during their periods. If the pain and cramping is severe enough to disrupt daily activities and associated with nausea, diarrhea and headaches, you need to consult a gynecologist.

Q: How long do menstrual cramps normally last?

A: They usually begin with the onset of periods and generally do not last more than two to three days.

Q: Why do I have severe cramping during my periods?

A: Your body may be producing more prostaglandins than normal. Consult a specialist. He may recommend NSAIDs which reduce the amount of prostaglandins and provide relief.

Q: My mother had painful periods. Will I too suffer from the same condition?

A: It can’t be generalized, you may or may not suffer the same condition as your mother’s. Family history increases the risk. You can reduce the risk by regular exercise, following a healthy diet, avoiding smoking and alcohol and practising stress reduction techniques.

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