Vitamin D Deficiency - Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment

Vitamin D Deficiency - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Which doctor should I consult for vitamin D deficiency?

A: You should consult a nutritionist, general physician or a pediatrician.


Q: Is it safe to take more than the recommended dose of vitamin D?

A: No, you should not take excessive amount of Vitamin D. When you take large amounts of vitamin D, your liver produces too much of a chemical called 25(OH)D leading to liver toxicity & hypercalcemia (increased calcium level in the blood). Your body starts responding adversely making you feel sick, loss of appetite and muscle pain etc.

Q: Is Vitamin D a special concern for vegans?

A: Yes, some studies report that vegans have lower vitamin D intakes as compared to non-vegans. But even if you’re a vegan, your diet can be planned to provide adequate amounts of vitamin D.

Rich sources of vitamin D like soymilk and yogurt can be included in your diet.

Q: Is it important to take vitamin D daily?

A: Vitamin D is different from other essential vitamins because human body can manufacture it on sunlight exposure. All you need to do is just go out for a 10 minutes’ walk in sunlight.
