Top Ten Skin Conditions Associated With Diabetes

Top Ten Skin Conditions Associated With Diabetes - Frequently Asked Questions

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Q: Which doctor should i consult for skin infections associated with diabetes?

A: Consult with diabetologist and dermatologist


Q: Why does dryness of skin occur in diabetes?

A: High blood sugar levels cause the body to lose water and may make the skin to become dry. Dry skin can also be caused when the nerves to the sweat glands are damaged and are unable to receive the signal from the brain to sweat, which is essential to keep the skin soft and supple.

Q: Why is proper care of feet important in diabetes?

A: In diabetes, the feet can be affected by poor blood circulation as well as nerve damage, both of which occur due to the high blood sugar levels. If not noticed and treated, serious infections that don’t heal, ulcers and sores, and ingrown toenails may occur.

Q: What are some of the ways to improve circulation in diabetes?


  • Control of blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
  • Avoidance of smoking.
  • Brisk walking daily to improve blood circulation in the legs.

Q: Does itching indicate the presence of diabetes?

A: No. Itching may occur in several conditions including diabetes. If no obvious cause is identifiable, a blood sugar estimation may be done to rule out diabetes.

Q: What serious complications can occur in the skin of diabetic patients?

A: Two of the serious skin complications in diabetes are related to untreated bacterial infections.

Cellulitis is a painful condition involving deeper layers of the skin and the underlying soft tissues. It can affect the extremities, face and trunk.

If not controlled, it may progress to gangrene, and death may occur in rare cases.

Both conditions have to be promptly and vigorously treated.
