Poor Blood Circulation

Poor Blood Circulation - Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How are flavonoids helpful in improving blood circulation?

A: Flavonoids promote blood vessel flexibility and are found in food items like cocoa, ginger root, celery and cayenne.


Q: Which doctor should I consult for poor blood circulation?

A: The condition of poor blood circulation is treated by a hematologist. Your family doctor will recommend a hematologist based on the family history, presenting symptoms and physical examination.

Q: Do I have to undergo all blood tests for the diagnosis of poor blood circulation?

A: No. Based on the symptoms and physical examination, the hematologist will recommend the specific tests that may have to be done to confirm the condition. Diagnostic tests will also aid in finding out the exact extent of the problem.

Q: Why is surgery of the arteries the last treatment option for poor blood circulation?

A: Poor blood circulation is a condition that is caused by an underlying disease or disorder. If that problem is treated, blood circulation can be improved. Simple lifestyle changes have proved to be beneficial to many people. Therefore, surgery is considered as the last option for improving the blood circulation.

Q: What kind of blood circulation problems do embolism and thrombosis cause?

A: Embolism or thrombosis are known to obstruct the blood supply of the blood vessels that they block. The tissues that the blood vessels supply do not get blood and a condition called ischemia is caused. Revascularization is a possible treatment given for the condition.
