
What Hurts the Heart is also Bad for the Head

by Savitha C Muppala on May 9 2013 9:07 AM

 What Hurts the Heart is also Bad for the Head
A study conducted by Dutch researchers which analyzed close to 3,800 people, found the adverse effects of unhealthy lifestyles on the heart as well as on brain function.
The study involved evaluating abilities like planning, memory and reasoning.

They found that high cholesterol and heavy smoking were connected to poor performance in abilities across all age groups. Bad lifestyle can have an adverse effect on brain function and researchers found a decline in brain function in such cases.

Dr Hanneke Joosten, team leader of the study said: "Young adults may think the consequences of smoking or being overweight are years down the road, but they aren’t. Most people know the negative effects of heart risk factors such as heart attack, stroke and renal impairment, but they do not realize it affects cognitive health. What’s bad for the heart is also bad for the brain."

It would do good for people to adopt healthy lifestyles which begin with eating healthy, regular exercise, giving up on smoking and excessive drinking of alcohol, to ensure the heart and brain work their best.

