
Bacteria Infected Sausage

by Medindia Content Team on Mar 21 2006 12:38 PM

In Norway a new tension has sprung after a large number of people had fallen ill after consuming sausage produced by Gilde of Norway, under the brands Gilde Birkebeiner Fjellmorr, Gilde Birkebeiner Sognemorr and Gilde Haugpølse.

The Norwegians authorities have advertised throughtout the country and have also requested the shop owners from selling ground beef. Food authorities say that they suspect an outbreak of E.coli bacteria-related illnesses in the prepared sausage meats called spekepølse.

Officials from the Food Safety Authority (Mattilsynet) said that most of the patients who have fallen ill have eaten sliced sausage produced by Gilde of Norway. Both the food and health authorities are working to find the source of E-coli infections.

The infection resulted in kidney failure among several children. It was then found that the tainted meat came from the Gilde Terina plant in Sogndal. More than 60 % of the meat produced there was sold in Hedmark and Oppland counties, where an increased number of people have fallen ill.

A Mattilsynet spokesman said that more detailed information about the infection and its source is expected to take necessary action against the company.
