
New !! Birth Control Option For Men

by Medindia Content Team on Jan 5 2004 11:55 AM

In the United States, women take care of birth control in 80 percent of relationships. With a new type of vasectomy, doctors expect more men will take charge.
It’s called Vasclip. Specialists say, unlike the traditional vasectomy, they no longer have to cut the vas deferens that carries sperm instead all they need to do is cut out a segment of vas. As a result, a clamp is placed across the vas.

The clamp is the size of a grain of rice and it clicks on and prevents sperm from passing through. In a study of 300 men, there was less pain and fewer complications such as swelling and bleeding. Researchers say Twenty-four to 36 hours after the procedure, you can get back to doing regular activity as far as walking, exercising, and things along those lines. However it takes a little bit longer than a traditional vasectomy.

And as for accuracy? Doctors say it is 97.5-percent effective at preventing pregnancy.
According to the manufacturers of the Vasclip, more than 400 doctors are using it nationwide. This procedure is considered permanent. The company plans to launch studies in the future to test the reversibility of the device.
