
Your Wheezing Could be Due To Your Bed

by Medindia Content Team on May 17 2004 12:50 PM

According to new research, there is a link between certain types of bedding and frequent wheezing in children. Results of a recent study show an association between frequent wheezing and synthetic quilts and pillows, and electric blankets. For the study, synthetic pillows were those reported as foam, sponge, tontine, polyester or Dacron. Quilts of Dacron, polyester or other synthetic composition were classified as synthetic.

The study also shows that there might be a link between synthetic quilts and frequent wheezing among people who sleep on their back. Researchers did not observe this effect among those who usually sleep on their sides and stomach. As predicted, the adverse effect of an overlying synthetic quilt was more evident in people who sleep on their backs because their face is closer to overlying bedding, and thus in close proximity to the airway.

Thus researchers suggest that more focus on the bedding environment immediately adjacent to the nose and mouth needs to be taken care of as it may provoke respiratory disorders.
